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4 participants


Nombre de messages : 521
Age : 34
Localisation : Proche de Chicoutimi
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2006

MessageSujet: BRAVO SHAWI!!!   BRAVO SHAWI!!! EmptyMer 20 Juin - 9:59

Citation :

Highly sought after prospect Steven Anthony has opted to join the Saint John Sea Dogs of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL).

The signing of the 16-year-old power forward was announced today by Jacques Beaulieu, general manager and head coach of the Sea Dogs. This ends speculation that Anthony would choose NCAA hockey in the United States over major junior hockey.

“This wasn’t easy to get done and we certainly took a risk in drafting Steven,” stated Beaulieu. “But, we felt it was a gamble worth taking because of the character and quality of this young man. There’s no doubt Steven Anthony will develop into one of the premier power forwards in this league. It will be a thrill for fans to watch this NHL prospect develop in Saint John.”

Six-foot-two and 190 pounds, Anthony has been touted as ‘a can’t miss’ prospect because of his size, vision and playmaking ability. Many scouting organizations pegged him as the best available player in the QMJHL entry draft held earlier this month in Drummondville, QC.

Playing Midget AAA for the Dartmouth Subways last year, Anthony finished first on the team with 33 goals, 15 power-play tallies and three short-handed goals enroute to a 64-point season in 35 games. He took it up a notch in the playoffs, recording 24 points (eight goals, 16 assists) in just nine games, before succumbing to injury.

“We were aggressive in obtaining the 10th pick from the Quebec Remparts at the draft which put us in a position to pick Anthony,” noted Beaulieu. “Steven was truly one of the premier players available at the draft and to add him and Simon Despés to the organization, bodes very well for our future. I think you’ll look back to the draft in Drummondville and see it as a turning point for the Sea Dogs. To secure the number one defenceman (Després) and the number one forward (Anthony) was a tremendous coup.”

Wayne Long, president of the Sea Dogs, noted that Anthony and his family visited Saint John last Friday and were “favorably impressed with the city and the depth and quality of the Sea Dogs organization.

“We want to acknowledge and thank Mayor Norm McFarlane for taking the time to meet with the Anthony family,” said Long. “The mayor of our city is a tremendous supporter of major junior hockey and his active interest is very much appreciated.”

Long said the Sea Dogs success at the QMJHL entry draft and the signing last week of free-agent forward Jordan Knox “is creating quite a buzz about the community.

“It’s exciting to see the growing interest in the Sea Dogs, as illustrated by strong season ticket sales,” he said. “Securing Steven Anthony is another key piece of our foundation and we’re not finished yet. These are exciting days for our organization.”

The Sea Dogs open their 2007-2008 regular season on September 13 when they visit the Presidents Cup champions, Lewiston MAINEiacs. Saint John’s home opener is Friday, September 21, when they entertain the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles.

En gros ca dit qu'Anthony va jouer LHJMQ Very Happy
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Dg Shawinigan

Dg Shawinigan

Nombre de messages : 798
Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2006

MessageSujet: Re: BRAVO SHAWI!!!   BRAVO SHAWI!!! EmptyMer 20 Juin - 16:28

Merci merci, je pensais que t'allais dire une connerie sur moi haha Laughing

Toute un vol je pense. Shocked Very Happy
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Drakkar (Prez)
Drakkar (Prez)

Nombre de messages : 871
Age : 34
Localisation : Chicoutimi
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2006

MessageSujet: Re: BRAVO SHAWI!!!   BRAVO SHAWI!!! EmptyMer 20 Juin - 16:45

Moi ausi j'étais sûre de ca Laughing loll

C'est vrai ta eu une bonne idée de le prendre Razz
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Nombre de messages : 1414
Age : 33
Localisation : chicoutimi
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2006

MessageSujet: Re: BRAVO SHAWI!!!   BRAVO SHAWI!!! EmptyMer 20 Juin - 16:58

deja au repchage cetais sur qui viendrais lhjmq cetais marquer dans le journal local a saint-jean que si il le repcherais il se presenterais

tres bon choix de shawi la
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